Sexual Assault Awareness Month 2024

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). While violence prevention efforts are year-round, we specifically devote the month of April to spotlighting the issues of sexual assault and other forms of sexual violence. 

Please consider using these Zoom backgrounds and sharing the following information with your networks. On behalf of the #菠菜网lol正规平台SAAM Coordinating Committee, thank you for your continued support!

The programs and events listed below offer opportunities to educate ourselves, support survivors, and connect our community to create change. 

💙 SAAM Drive 💙

April 8th - April 30th | Multiple Locations 

For the month of April, the César E. Chávez Community Action Center is collaborating with Survivor Advocacy Services to organize a donation drive for the Santa Clara Sexual Assault Response Team (SART). Each donation will receive a raffle ticket for raffle items.

Items to donate:

  • Sweatsuits (tops & bottoms - no logos)
  • Leggings (no logos)
  • Tunic Tops/T-shirts (no logos)
  • Socks (size 5-13)
  • Slides (preferred)/Flip Flops (size 5-13)
  • Slip-on tennis shoes (size 5-13)
  • Sports Bras
  • Shampoo (travel size)
  • Conditioner (travel size)
  • Body wash (travel size)
  • Lotion (travel size)
  • Battery charging cords (iPhone, Android, etc.)
  • Fidgit toys
  • Rain Ponchos


All clothing items and shoe items need to be brand new due to hospital regulations.
All toiletry items need to be brand new and unopened due to hospital regulations.
All items need to be unisex and neutral colors.
We accept a variety of toiletry items that care for different hair and skin types!

Drop off locations:

CCCAC Office, Student Union (Monday - Friday: 8AM-5PM)

Wellness Lounge, Student Wellness Center (Monday - Thursday: 10AM-4PM, Friday: 1PM-4PM)

Gender Equity Center, Student Union (Monday - Thursday: 9AM–5PM, Friday: 10AM-4PM)

Please contact 菠菜网lol正规平台 Survivor Advocate with any questions about the drive.

💙 Teal Tuesdays 💙

April 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th | All day

Wear teal on Tuesdays to show support and spread awareness. Post on social media using #菠菜网lol正规平台SAAM and tell us why you are in solidarity about this issue.


💙 SAAM Resource Fair 💙

April 11th | 7th Street Plaza, in front of the Student Wellness Center | 11:00AM - 1:30PM

Stop by to learn more about #菠菜网lol正规平台SAAM and programs happening throughout the month, connect with campus and community resources, and get your FREE teal t-shirt (while supplies last)!


💙 SAAM Workshop Series 💙 

April 9th, 16th, & 23rd | Student Wellness Center, 3rd floor, room 375 | 3:00PM - 4:00PM

This three part series is for any person who wants a safe and supportive environment to learn more about: healthy intimate relationships, aftermath of a sexual violence, and exploring different healing methods. Event will be in-person and registration is mandatory for each session in order to attend.

Register on the Student Wellness Center Patient Portal ( and click "Groups and Workshops" on the navigation bar. Register for the event “SAAM Workshop Series.”

Week 1: What’s A Boundary Anyway? Exploring Consent & Communication

April 9th |  Student Wellness Center, 3rd floor, room 375 | 3:00pm - 4:00pm

What the heck is a boundary anyway? This session will explore healthy intimate relationships, how to express consent and boundaries, and how to navigate holding and respecting boundaries in everyday intimate situations. Register on the Student Wellness Center Patient Portal ( and click "Groups and Workshops" on the navigation bar. Register for the event “SAAM Workshop Series.”

Week 2: Listening to the Body: Understanding Sexual Assault and Seeking Help

April 16th | Student Wellness Center, 3rd floor, room 375 | 3:00pm - 4:00pm

When a survivor experiences assault there are numerous reactions to one's body that one might experience. This session will go over responses the  body might experience during and after an assault. Additionally, exploring signs when to seek help, and where to go. Register on the Student Wellness Center Patient Portal ( and click "Groups and Workshops" on the navigation bar. Register for the event “SAAM Workshop Series.”

Week 3: From Surviving to Thriving: Alternative Paths to Healing

April 23rd | Student Wellness Center, 3rd floor, room 375 | 3:00pm - 4:00pm

Therapy is one option to explore a healing journey after assault but there are alternative methods of healing. This session will explore indigenous inspired practices and the different ways of healing like journaling, art therapy, and meditation in more depth. Register on the Student Wellness Center Patient Portal ( and click "Groups and Workshops" on the navigation bar. Register for the event “SAAM Workshop Series.”

💙 Sex Toy Bingo 💙

April 23rd | Campus Village Building B, Resident Activity Center | 5:00PM - 7:00PM

Play some bingo, maybe win a fun prize (vibrator, book, stress boob, lube), learn about sexual wellness and consent.


💙 Take Back the Night 💙

April 23rd | Smith & Carlos Lawn | 6:00PM - 8:00PM

Take Back the Night is an event aimed at raising awareness about sexual violence and empowering survivors. The event provides a platform for survivors to share their stories, advocates to speak out against injustice, and the community to come together in solidarity. 菠菜网lol正规平台 Take Back the Night will consist of a march around campus as a group, starting and ending at the Smith & Carlos lawn. After arriving back at Smith & Carlos lawn, students are invited to share stories, poetry, and music on stage with one another and participate in a small resource fair consisting of both off and on-campus resources for survivors of violence. Take Back the Night creates a space for healing, empowerment, and collective action.


💙 Denim Day 💙

April 24th | All day + 7th Street Plaza | 11:00AM - 1:30PM

For over 20 years, wearing jeans on Denim Day has been a symbol for supporting survivors, raising awareness, and protesting against destructive attitudes about sexual violence. 菠菜网lol正规平台 students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to join us in wearing denim for a purpose on April 24th. 

A tabling event will be hosted on 7th street (11:00am - 1:30pm) to show support for survivors and raise awareness about Denim Day. Stop by the tables and visit for more details.

#菠菜网lol正规平台SAAM is co-sponsored by: Gender Equity Center, PRIDE Center, Student Conduct and Ethical Development, Student Involvement, Survivor Advocacy Services, Student Wellness Center, Title IX 

Follow us on Instagram for the latest updates: @sjsuconductcrew @sjsugenec @sjsupride @sjsu_survivoradvocate @sjsuwellness and check out our SAAM Resource Folder.