2020 Intimate Partner and Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Intimate Partner & Domestic Violence Awareness Month October 2020
Every October is devoted to bringing awareness to Intimate Partner and Domestic Violence. This is achieved through educational programs, workshops, and online campaigns. The intention is to empower our campus community to work towards ending gender based violence. We all deserve to be respected, to be treated with dignity, and a life free of violence. 

For more information on resources, please scroll to the bottom of this webpage.

Although we are moving all programming onto online platforms, we can still build a strong network of support and community during this critical time. 


Social Media 

Follow us on social media to stay updated and interact with us! 

@sjsugenec @sjsuwellness @sjsupride @sjsuconductcrew


2020 Event Schedule

Purple Tuesdays

Wear purple to show support and tell us why you are in solidarity about this issue. Post on social media and remember to use #sjsuipdvam

If you don't have purple but still want to engage, here are some 菠菜网lol正规平台 IPDVAM options for social media and even zoom. Check out what info graphics we have for Facebook and Instagram. We also have zoom backgrounds to use for meetings or class sessions.


Studio Hour

The Gender Equity Center is hosting a new program this semester called Studio Hour. It takes place every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month on zoom (linktr.ee/sjsugenec). The intention of Studio Hour is to have a virtual space to process, dialogue, and create art. You are welcome to use this time to journel, write poetry, or engage in whichever medium speaks to you! 

Studio Hour: The Poetics of Healing

Wednesday: October 7, 2020 | 5:00 - 6:00pm | Zoom Link: linktr.ee/sjsugenec

Our guest collaborator this week is Nico, faculty from the communications department at 菠菜网lol正规平台. This session will be focused healing through poetry writing. 

Studio Hour: Don't Touch My Pumpkins

Wednesday: October 21, 2020 | 5:00 - 6:00pm | Zoom Link: linktr.ee/sjsugenec

Our guest collaborator this week is Wellness and Health Promotion/Peer Health Education. In this session, we will be decorating pumpkins and talking about consent and costumes. 

One Love Workshops

At Home with One Love Virtual Workshops

Calling all students interested in learning more about healthy love! Participate in One Love’s interactive, film-based workshops to learn about the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships.

Details and Registration: www.joinonelove.org/fall-at-home-with-one-love/


October 8 at 9am Ten Signs on an Athletic Team
October 8 at 3pm Understanding & Navigating Healthy LGBTQ+ Relationships
October 13 at 9am College Student Love Labryinth
October 15 at 12pm Behind the Post for Fraternity and Sorority Members 
October 15 at 2pm Healthy Relationships Workshop for Boys & Men
October 22 at 2pm 10 Sign and the Disabled Community 
October 28 at 2pm College Student Behind the Post Workshop
October 29 at 1pm Deconstructing Racism + Discrimination Using the 10 Signs


27th Annual Domestic Violence Conference

Invisible Bruises: The Hidden Dangers of Domestic Violence

The Office of Gender-Based Violence Prevention, in partnership with the Domestic Violence Council, is proud to bring you high-quality training opportunities at no cost throughout the month of October. This year's conference will consist of 11 webinar sessions, culminating in a three-part series with experts from the Institute on Strangulation Prevention.

Featured Speakers from the Training Institue on Strangulation Prevention: Casey Gwinn, Chan Hellman, & Gael Strack. 

Details and registration: www.sccgov.org/dvconference

Santa Clara County Virtual DV Conference, Promotion flyer with featured speakers

Calendar of events:

October 2 11:30am

Conference Keynote: No Visible Bruises: What We Don't Know About Domestic Violence Can Kill Us

October 2  2:00pm

Session 1: Race and the Prosecution of Domestic Violence 

October 9  11:30am

Session 2: Technology-Enabled Domestic Violence: Trends and Impact

October 9  2:00pm

Session 3: Ensuring Language Access and Working with Interpreters; Best Practices for Serving LEP Survivors

October 16  11:30am

Session 4: The Little Blue Bubble: How Teen Dating Violence Manifests Online

October 16  2:00pm

Session 5: Universal Education: A Local Approach to Improving Health Outcomes for Survivors

October 23  11:30am

Session 6: California Law and Trauma-Informed Court Responses

October 23  2:00pm

Session 7: A Collaborative, Intersectional Approach to Gender-Based Violence

October 26   8am-12pm

Session 8, Featured Series: Part 1 of 3 The Last Warning Shot presented by the Training Institute on Strangulation Prevention

October 27   8am-12pm

Session 9, Featured Series: Part 2 of 3 The Last Warning Shot, presented by the Training Institute on Strangulation Prevention

October 28   8am-12pm

Session 10, Featured Series: Part 3 of 3 The Last Warning Shot, presented by the Training Institute on Strangulation Prevention

October 30  11:00am

Session 11: Supporting Queer and Trans Survivors Self Determination


Intimate Partner and Domestic Violence during the Shelter in Place
This podcast will focus on how Covid-19 is impacting intimate partner and domestic violence differently. 

Details about the release date are coming. Please stay check back soon. 


Pets Againts Violence 

Tuesday: October 13, 2020 | Awareness Campaign on Instagram @sjsucccac

Cesar Chavez Community Action Center 

Domestic violence, child abuse, and animal abuse frequently occur simultaneously in a family. This social media campaign will be raising awareness of the correlation between pet abuse and domestic violence. Share the spread of Intimate Partner and Domestic Violence Awareness Month by posting a picture of you and your pet and tag @sjsucccac #PetsAgainstViolence #sjsuIPDVA 




Co-Sponsored by Wellness and Health Promotion, Gender Equity Center, PRIDE Center, Counseling and Psychological Services, Student Conduct and Ethical Development